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43rd BCS result aspirants stage sit-in in front of BPSC

December 22, 2023, 01:47 PM

43rd BCS result aspirants stage sit-in in front of BPSC

Staff Reporter

The 43rd BCS result aspirants have formed a human chain and staged a sit-in programme in front of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) demanding the re-publication of the non-cadre circular of 43rd BCS increasing the number of non-cadre posts.

They held the program in front of the BPSC in Agargaon in the capital on Thursday. More than 200 job seekers took up positions in front of the BPSC from 10:30 am and chanted slogans demanding separate publication of cadre and non-cadre results, cancellation of current non-cadre circular and re-publishing the circular by increasing the posts.

At that time, many candidates were seen taking up their positions wearing shrouds. Earlier on Monday, the result aspirants held a press conference at Maulana Akram Khan Hall of the National Press Club demanding the cancellation of the circular and separate publication of cadre and non-cadre results.

The result aspirants alleged that the meritorious job seekers are losing confidence in the BPSC.

The BPSC is trying to publish cadre and non-cadre results of the 43rd BCS together. But out of the 1342 posts in the non-cadre circular, only 360 posts are for general candidates where six to seven thousand general candidates will be forced to return empty-handed, they said.
